
We were so excited to welcome the wonderful Oryx to Sky Sirens in Term Three! Oryx was drawn to pole dancing after she stopped making music and needed a new creative outlet, and loves pole as it combines strength, sensuality and subversiveness. With a love of endless experimentation with shapes and fluidity, we adore the creative and fun energy that she brings to the studio. This week we are delving a little deeper to find out a more about the magical Oryx.

Interviewed by Eva Devore



"Shape Witch"
Instagram: @oryxart

How long have you been dancing and how did you start in pole?

I have been doing pole for several years now. Before that I did a bit of dancing as a kid and always loved creating choreography and performing.

How long have you been teaching at Sky Sirens and which styles do you teach?

I have just finished teaching my first term at Sky Sirens. I have been teaching pole classes, including Vixens Pole (a sexy flow pole dance class) and levelled classes. I love teaching all styles - lyrical, contemporary, exotic, sensual, fierce.

How would you describe your dance and performance style?

I think my intuitive dance style is soft and flowy, focusing on making shapes through small movement changes. My performances are very personal, so I think I make song, choreography and costume choices based on some kind of emotional purge, haha.

What advice to you like to give to your students?

Don't forget why you're dancing.
Don't get caught up in tricks and lose the joy of dancing.
Simple is often the most beautiful.
Take it slow, be yourself, close your eyes and enjoy the spin.

What do you do when you’re not being a Siren?

Resting from the physical and mental exhaustion! I am naturally very introverted and was never very sporty, so dance pushes me to my limits. I teach five days a week, so on my rest days I usually eat and sleep, haha! But I also like drawing, experimental music and arguing about feminism in my spare time.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would go into space! I'd love to see the earth from space, and float in nothingness.

What does this term hold for you?

I have choreographed a soft, slow and sensual routine for Emeralds Pole, and a ballistic fierce routine for Velvet Vixens. I'm excited to meet new Sirens and help them build their strength, find their dance selves and find moments of exhilaration and joy in their dance journeys!